Agreement on the preliminary assessment

Here you will find the entire text of the first contract that – if you are interested in our services – you and us have to sign. This agreement is called the Agreement on the preliminary assessment and the preparation of the case funding and has following meaning:

  • With your signature you express your interest in our services – in the moment of signing you can start exchanging information with Procesinvest company
  • By singing the Agreement Procesinvest pledges to inform you (in so called adequate time needed for obtaining and evaluating basic information about your case) if they will fund your case or not
  • After careful examining your cause by our lawyers the Agreement on funding the litigation can be signed

Please, study the text of the Agreement on the preliminary assessment and the preparation of the case funding very carefully. It is the first step that is necessary for any other activity – yours and ours… If you do not understand any part of the Agreement, feel free to call or write to us, we will be happy to explain everything.